3 reasons you might be experiencing burnout


Here are the top 3 reasons that (in my opinion) hairstylists experience burnout:

➕TOXIC WORK ENVIRONMENT: if you are constantly surrounded by negativity and people who doubt you, are rude, disrespectful, do not have your best interest at heart, it starts to take a huge toll. Work becomes unbearably draining. If you are in this situation and doubt that there’s anything better out there, I’m here to tell you that there are PLENTY of salons with positive work environments and you need to see yourself out of the toxic one and into something better immediately!

➕YOU’RE WORKING WAY TOO MANY HOURS: I’ll share my own story regarding this because I think it’s kind of a common one: after working nights and Saturdays for 11 years, I started to notice that I was getting so resentful of being in the salon late and on a weekend day. I was so burned out and over it by the time my 5:00 pm client arrived and unfortunately was never my best self or doing my best work. It made me dread coming to work. I resented missing out on time with my family and friends. At one time I thrived off of ridiculously long days but over time that changed. Once I adjusted my schedule to cut out some of the super long days, I felt so much more excited about coming to work!

➕YOUR SCHEDULE IS WAY TOO HECTIC: everyone is different, and some people thrive off of non-stop, back to back tasks, and some people feel full of anxiety and panic when they have zero down time. If you’re that person that can’t stand the madness that is double, triple booking, having clients back to back and juggling 19282 things at once, then chances are you may start to feel reallllyy burned out and dread coming to work. If you are so beyond booked and you couldn’t possibly cut back on any hours, maybe it’s time to adjust prices and/or start honing in on a niche, and only focusing on clients that fit into that niche 🤷🏼‍♀️

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