5 things I did that helped me build a clientele

This was in 2007 and Instagram didn’t exist, so if I was giving advice on how to build a clientele in 2023, it would be to focus heavily on social media! But I think some of these things would still apply today 😊 (and notice I didn’t say “how I built a clientele quickly” because it was not a quick process!)
1. Took every client - back then I didn’t even have an “ideal client”. I just wanted anyone and everyone. Over time I started to attract clients who wanted a similar style but in the beginning I did everything and it was a great learning experience.
2. Worked nights & Saturdays - I know this one will be controversial 😂 The reality is that some people just need to come after 5:00 or on a weekend. When I eventually stopped working nights and weekends after 10 years, those clients were loyal to me and were willing to take off a Wednesday morning to come see me. But would they have taken off a Wednesday to come see some hairstylist who was not established and they had no relationship with? Probably not, no. They would have moved onto the next stylist who could accommodate them after 5 or on a weekend 🤷🏼♀️
3. Asked for referrals - I very directly asked my clients “Do you have any friends who need their hair done? I’d be so grateful if you would send them my contact info!”
4. Pre booked - before a client left I always made sure I booked their next appointment. I wanted that stability of appointments booked ahead of time.
5. Asked for help - I accepted that I didn’t know everything so I really focused on taking classes and heavily leaned on my coworkers and peers for help when I felt lost.
Want to learn more about my approach to doing hair? Check out my virtual education platform BCU! CLICK HERE for more info!