7 minor changes that majorly improved my work

- Pulling foils at the chair before rinsing – way less tangles and so much easier to manage the hair! Plus it helps me start prepping for toning and envisioning the final end result.
- Root melting & glossing at the chair (instead of at the shampoo bowl) – my application is so much cleaner and more precise! Plus it’s more comfortable for me and the client.
- Using big foils for dimensional blonding – it’s so much easier to move hair around and paint specific parts of the section and not others!
- Using a board for blonding – the tool that single handedly made blonding feel like it “clicked.” Painting on a hard surface instead of the head or your hand will change your life! (mine is available by clicking HERE)
- Folding up my foils instead of laying 2 foils flat – the heat from the scalp is a very underutilized lifting assistant! Get those mids (and ends) closer to the scalp to keep them warm for a more even lift!
- Not mixing a gloss until the hair is rinsed out (and brushed out) – the color looks different after you rinse it and brush through it!
- Using grams instead of ounces to mix color – for me there is much less waste and so much less math! I’m always measuring in whole numbers which is so much easier for me!
If you want to learn more about how I do hair, check out my virtual education platform BCU! Efficiency behind the chair is my focus and I want to teach you all the things so you can feel confident behind the chair. Click HERE for more info!