How I went from anxious to confident BTC

The difference between feeling anxious and feeling confident about your skills and knowledge is 1000% a game changer and this is a hill I will die on!
For about the first 1-5 years of my career I was an anxious mess. I stressed about nearly every single client that came in the door. And don’t even get me started on how my stress level skyrocketed over new clients 😅😅 What if I didn’t know how to give them the color they wanted? How would I know how to formulate? What if they needed lowlights or grey coverage (my two most panicky topics)?
At about year 6 things started improving and I switched from feeling stressed about work to feeling excited. Time in the industry and practice were huge parts of that, but there are so many other things that contributed. (And don’t get me wrong, I still have those feelings here and there! But it’s sooo much less frequent!) Here’s what I think helped:
What I did:
👍🏻 got education from independent educators and consumed any free education I could get
👍🏻 tested colors on swatches and practiced on doll heads
👍🏻 took models, was open with them that I wanted to try a new technique and I didn’t charge them so there was no pressure
👍🏻 started really focusing in on my consultations and asking the right questions
👍🏻 nailed down a few go-to placements that were versatile and could be used in multiple scenarios
👍🏻 took an interest in learning about color theory and how hair color worked
I’ve got a library of content in BCU that’s focused on efficiency and building your confidence behind the chair so that you can wake up and be excited about the day instead of stress about it!! Because how good would it feel to walk into work knowing that whatever comes in the door, you’ve got a technique and placement that will work and the knowledge to tackle it!?! Click HERE to learn more.