Reasons why clients come back to you

You guys, the customer service experience goes SO FAR!!!
Don’t get me wrong…technical skills ARE important and it’s very valuable to educate yourself and improve your skills. I just don’t think it’s the make or break piece of whether or not a client rebooks with you. Their experience from start to finish (a lot of this happens during the pre-booking part even BEFORE they step in the salon) should be considered when you’re thinking about what you can do to make sure clients continue to return to you!
I would be willing to go out on a limb here and say that if a client got the best, most perfect, color of their dreams, but the overall experience made them feel unappreciated, rushed, disrespected, they would likely not be interested in rushing back for their next appt. And vice versa, if they had an incredible guest experience, but their color/cut was not 100% perfect, they might be willing to give it another chance and return!
This list could probably go on forever, but here are a few things that (in my opinion!) go a long way when it comes to client retention:
+ create a seamless booking process
+ have clear communication with your client before the appt so they know what to expect, where to go, where to park, etc.
+ smile and greet them when they arrive (or hopefully a receptionist does this if you aren’t in a spot where you can see them)
+ have a positive attitude, always, no matter what
+ have a thorough and kind consultation
+ offer snacks & beverages
+ clearly communicate pricing and timing estimate so there are no surprises
+ check in with new guests 7-10 days post appointment to see how they are liking their color/cut
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